Thursday, April 26, 2012

Independent component 2

I, Benjamin Miyamoto, affirm that I completed my independent component which represents 30 hours of work.
During this time, I've not only been able to brush up on skills, like the ones above, to teach, but I was also able to practice spotting on older people, who would be less likely to cry or hurt them selves if I messed up. Which I think was invaluable to my service learning experience.
Even after the previous weeks of practicing, I've finally made it to a point where I feel comfortable tumbling again. That comfort has made it a lot easier to teach. At least in my opinion, its much easier to teach what you actually know, versus things you vaguely remember doing. Its hard to look from an outside perspective and tell someone how to do something, without knowing how it feel to move that way, and the requirements it puts on your body. In addition, I started practicing vault, something I hadn't done for a while. I felt like I should start practicing vault again because that's become one of the only things that I get to teach by myself. Again its a familiarity issue. It's much harder to teach what you can't remember.
Well, by taking these classes I was better able to familiarize myself with the course material, in a sense. That allowed me to think of knew ways to teach in my service learning, new advice to give. It's hard to give the same advice over and over, doing my independent component help me to come up with new way to trying to teach. In addition it gave me a chance to safely practice spotting, something that is necessary to learn and a big part of one of my answers, but just not at the expense of small children. Taking these classes gave me to opportunity to practice on people that I would not be held responsible for.


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