Friday, March 16, 2012

Research for today

1.       Gymnastics zone
a.       Gymnastics coaching styles
                                                               i.      Vertical and encyclopedic coaching
                                                             ii.      Narrow training
1.       The average coach in America only trains the skills that are used for competition and to max out the amount of point a routine can achieve.
2.       There are two types of coaching in this category
a.       The ones who teach the entire routine for that level
b.      The ones who pick advanced skills for a gymnast and then train the gymnast in only those skills
                                                            iii.      Variety is the spice of gymnastics
1.       The narrow training type of coaches tend to only produce compulsory optional gymnasts
2.       Those types of gymnasts tend to burn out and quit
3.       They lack a good rounding and can only do a select few things well
                                                           iv.      JEDP
1.       a strength and flexibly training program that ensures a norm for gymnasts
2.       It gave coaches a right way to train their gymnasts
3.       This system succeeded because coaches adopted this as a secondary additional system as well as their own personalized training regimes
4.       One of the problems with the JEDP only gymnasts, was their lack of front tumbling.
a.       Front tumbling and back tumbling are completely different
b.      I suck a front tumbling; can’t do it
c.       Gymnasts who only followed this program had to go back and relearn all of their front tumbling
                                                             v.      Vertical training
1.       Vertical training tends to produce frustrated gymnasts because of the progression
2.       Sometimes the next step up is hard and frustrating and makes the gymnast unmotivated
b.      Good way to coach
                                                               i.      The best way to coach seems to be a mixture of vertical progression and a good rounding
                                                             ii.      Its good to have goals in place to work toward, but its also good to be a well rounded
2.       Gymnastics Coach Pat Warren
a.       A coach who was associated with the making of the movie stick it
b.      Works at as a coach at TOPS
c.       Was she a gymnast?
                                                               i.      No
1.       She wasn’t a gymnast which I find odd…cause how’s she gonna teach if she doesn’t know how
2.       She doesn’t strike me as a very good coach, but I could be wrong
                                                             ii.      The most important trait a person needs to be a good coach
1.       Love and care about kids
                                                            iii.      The best way to motivate gymnasts
1.       Make sure to work harder than they are
3.       Teaching Casts to little ones
a.       Hollow position on a barrel grabbing a floor bar
                                                               i.      Pull legs up into a pike into a semi press handstand and then into a flat back
b.      Shrugs
                                                               i.      Jump on the bar and dip just using shoulders
c.       Pike drag ups
                                                               i.      Support yourself on a raised surface and bring you legs up as far as you can 

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