Thursday, February 9, 2012

Independent Component 1

Independent Component Log

Wednesday, September 14
2 Hours
Today was my first day back at the gym. The only things that have really changed is the old pommel horse, and the girls who constantly whirl across the floor beams and bars. The pommel horse is gone, and all the girls are different. I took it kind of easy today; I just got back and I don’t really want to hurt myself. I was worried that I wouldn’t be able to do back handsprings still, but it was all good. I could still do it. Mostly I just drifted around the circuits that were set up. I did a lot of back hand springs down the tumble track, something that’s easy to do but hard to perfect. I tried doing some round off back hand spring back layouts, but they were terrible. When I left, I could do them nicely, and I was almost able to add a twist to them. Can’t do it anymore. Sucks. Like usual, the last part of class is always dedicated to conditioning. Thankfully it’s not as tough as TnT but it still hurt after about half a year of not exercising.

Wednesday, October 12
2 Hours
Today I worked on brannies? grannies? I don’t know exactly what they’re called but they’re essentially round offs without hands. They feel kind of scary because you’re throwing yourself down and forward, so you feel like you’re going to hit the ground, but you don’t, so it’s ok. They were good enough that my coach told me to move on to front full’s, which are basically brannines with extra twists. Its kind of awkward though; when you twist if feels like you’re going half one way, and then midair start spinning the other way. They’re surprisingly easy to do if you can do brannies, after about 20 minutes, I was able to go for a one and a half. I didn’t get it down; I couldn’t spin fast enough so I only got to about one and a quarter. I’ve also noticed that everything is becoming a lot less taxing. I don’t have to take as many water breaks, I don’t have to sit down 
after every pass, it feels a lot better.

L:“I, Benjamin Miyamoto, affirm that I completed my independent component which represents 30 hours of work.” During this time I got back into gymnastics. I learned, and relearned a lot of the basics which make for a good gymnast. I basically got back into the flow of gymnastics, and got better at basic skills, so I could become a better teacher. 
I: The most significant part of my component was the basic warm ups at the beginning of each class. Like every teacher, I have to know the material, otherwise how else could I teach it? The beginning of each class is dedicated to basic skills, things that I teach my kids. So during that time I make sure to pay attention to the advice my coach gives, as well as watching the other participants, and giving advice to them. This really helps when it comes to teaching my own class
A: My EQ is what is the best way to teach children's gymnastics, this component helped me answer that question, by perfecting and understanding the material, that I teach to my kids. Like I mentioned above, you have to know before you can teach, and this class is like a refresher course. 

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